The Snow Queen
Thank you so much to all who came and experienced The Snow Queen with us in 2024! We have an exciting opportunity for you to participate in the magic as we look ahead to 2025 and the 20th anniversary of The Snow Queen!
For 19 years, The Snow Queen has evolved and thrived, thanks to the creativity and passion of countless artists who have brought their unique visions to each season. With every new collaborator comes fresh choreography, costumes, music, and imagery, keeping this beloved production vibrant and ever-changing.
As we approach our 20th anniversary, we're excited for the chance to bring even more artistic collaborations and production enhancements to the stage. We're launching a 20th Anniversary Matching Grant Fund, and we invite you to be part of this incredible journey by helping us take The Snow Queen to new heights! If we can raise $20,000 by 2025's production we will receive an additional $20,000 from an anonymous donor.
Join us in celebrating 20 years of magic and creativity—your support will make all the difference! Get more information and donate HERE.
2024 Show Information:
Thursday, November 21: 7pm
Friday, November 22: 7pm
Saturday, November 23: 2pm* + 7pm
Sunday, November 24: 2pm
Dalton High School Theater - 1500 Manly St, Dalton, GA 30720
$20 for adults; $18 for Students (Elem-College); and Senior Citizens (55+)
*The 2pm performance on Saturday is in an abridged and narrated format that is perfect for young viewers and their families! Dalton High School Players narrate the show as sisters Anne and Lena, guiding the audience through all of the music and magic of The Snow Queen.
The Creative Arts Guild Dance Department + Ballet Dalton is proud to present our 19th annual full-length ballet, The Snow Queen! Join us on this magical journey through the seasons inspired by the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale and learn how love can melt even the coldest of hearts.
The Snow Queen was performed for the first time with the LIVE Creative Arts Guild Chamber Orchestra in November of 2016. Here is a clip of the Saturday, November 19, 2016 Performance:
In 2005, the Creative Arts Guild produced its first annual production of The Snow Queen. The Snow Queen was adapted from a beautiful and well-known Hans Christian Andersen story and was transformed into a full-length classical ballet. Every part of the ballet was hand picked by Dance Director Jessie Southerland and former Assistant Dance Director Elizabeth Fisher. The score incorporates pieces from Glazunov, Tchaikovsky, and Delibes among other public domain music, each costume was carefully selected, and every step was choreographed from the ground up making this a truly original work of art.
After the 10th anniversary of this production in November of 2015, Creative Arts Guild staff and board members began dreaming about how we could elevate this annual production and bring an even greater arts experience to our community audiences and elevate the performance and educational opportunity for our students. CAG was also charged with a new strategic focus to engage and support working artists. The idea of the addition of a live orchestra was born.
With the support of the Ken and Myra White Foundation, during the 2016 year, the score was constructed by arranger Rodney Bishop. David Pasqua was then brought on as the production's conductor and leader of the Creative Arts Guild Chamber Orchestra's musicians, and our 11th annual production of The Snow Queen opened to our largest audience to date.
The addition of the professional musicians not only added a tremendous learning opportunity for our students and engaged working artists validating their work in the world but also engaged a broader and larger audience - people who loved music but fell in love with the ballet. Although the production was 11 years strong in 2017, many of our audience members were first-time attendees.
After the huge success of our inaugural year with a live orchestra, Creative Arts Guild looked to take the arts engagement a step further and received funding from Georgia Council for the Arts to support bringing our chamber orchestra into our school field trips for 960 students. Creative Arts Guild reached out to Dalton High School Drama department to partner with us to write and perform a script in conjunction with an abbreviated version of the performance incorporating several of the new arts standards.
The Snow Queen is seen as a treasured work of art in the Dalton community and a crown jewel of the Creative Arts Guild.
Act I
Scene I, Opening: We are introduced to the four royal sisters, Spring Princess (a kind but lonely woman); Summer Princess (playful but selfish); Fall Princess (a wild wanderer) and the Snow Queen (beautiful, but cold and conniving). Here, we take a look back to when the Queen of the Sprites and her little Sprites made a magic mirror that controls the seasons of the four sisters. The Snow Queen decides that she wants to possess the mirror alone and steals it with the Sprites’ help. When stolen, the mirror shatters into a million pieces and one shard lands in the eye of a village girl, Kay. Snow Queen begins her search to find Kay and get the shard back.
Scene II, The Village:
It’s dawn in the marketplace.
The townspeople enter as the sun is rising and greet one another as they begin to sell their wares. Here we are introduced to the Village Adults, including a magical doll maker who brings a doll, and her marionettes to life, Village Children, and close, loving sisters, Kay and Gerda. All of the villagers are dancing joyously on a lovely morning…but wait! The fortune teller enters the scene, bringing with her a feeling of foreboding. As she tells the future, she hints at the Snow Queen’s entrance into the village and the things yet to come. Finally, as the time to head to school and work comes, the village girl, Kay, is gifted a beautiful hand embroidered handkerchief by the village’s Seamstress. Kay shows her beautiful gift to her sister.
We are then left only with Kay and Gerda who are frozen by the Snow Queen when she enters to kidnap and take Kay back to her snowy castle to retrieve the final missing shard of glass. During the kidnapping, Kay leaves behind her handkerchief and heads through the seasons to Winter under the Snow Queen’s spell. Lighting Gerda’s way, the Aurora Borealis dances in the night sky just moments before the Queen of the Sprites and the Enchantress enter the village. With their help, Gerda is awakened, shown the handkerchief and begins her journey through the four seasons to find her sister in Winter and take her home.
Act II
Scene I, The Journey Through Spring: We are introduced to the Spring Princess, a kind but lonely woman who welcomes Gerda with open arms and wishes more than anything that she will stay. Knowing that Gerda needs rest, Spring Princess tells Gerda to sleep, hoping that she will forget her journey. However, the Whispering Roses wake Gerda up and remind her to think of her sister and encourage her to continue on to the next season.
Scene II, The Journey Through Summer: Here we are introduced to the lovely but arrogant Summer Princess who dances merrily to a very impressed Gerda. However, once Gerda realizes the Princess’ intentions for her – to make Gerda a servant – she escapes from Summer’s palace and continues on to Fall. Summer sends her Pages after her but to no avail. Gerda is already gone.
Scene III, The Journey Through Fall: Gerda is scared and tired now as her journey has been long. As the temperature begins to drop, and the Enchantress leads her into the Fall Season, she calls on the Queen of the Sprites to continue the journey with Gerda. Here, she is introduced to a woman who she hopes will lead Gerda safely through Fall. Unfortunately, the woman double crosses both the Queen of the Sprites and Gerda, and sells her to the Fall Princess, the wild and fearsome leader. Fall Princess’ daughter, Robber Girl, enters and begs her mother to give her Gerda as a playmate because she has no friends her own age. The Princess finally agrees. In time, Gerda realizes that she must leave because her sister is the most important thing to her. Gerda tricks the Robber Girl into letting her go and the Robber Girl’s mother, the Fall Princess, reveals her disappointment with her child.
Scene IV, The Journey Into Winter: Shivering from the cold, Gerda, again with the help of the Queen of the Sprites, finds her sister Kay with the Snow Queen. Icicles, Frost, and Snow Storms dance around them trying to keep them under the control of the Snow Queen. Eventually, the other royal sisters…Spring, Summer, and Fall, along with the Queen of the Sprites…come to the rescue and help Gerda and Kay escape. Kay puts the final shard of glass back in the mirror and returns the mirror to the Queen of the Sprites to be taken away for good. Kay and Gerda rejoice in their reunion!
Thank You to our 2024 Sponsors:
Snow Queen Level
Ken and Myra White
Engineered Floors
Finley Family Charitable Foundation
Georgia Council for the Arts
Georgia United Credit Union
h2b Creative
Marketing Alliance Group
Mohawk Industries
National Endowment for the Arts
Shaw Industries
Textile Rubber & Chemical Co.
Hans Christian Andersen Level
Dalton Plastic Surgery
Jack & Aggie Bandy Foundation
Soni and Snipes Orthodontics
Winter Level
Robert Webb
Fall Level
Barbara Adamson Interiors
Peds Care, P.C.
Coldwell Banker Kinard Realty
Dalton’s Mr. Real Estate
Pamela and David Pennington
Cathy and Steve Snyder
Summer Level
Adcock Financial Solutions, Inc
Penny and Marc Carpenter
Judy and Steve Paynter
Jennifer and Wes Phinney
Love Funeral Home
Spring Level
Joanne and Marvin Lewis
Priscilla and Mike Brown
Snowflake Level
A Friend
Laura and Charles Allgood
Textile Rubber & Chemical Co.
Engineered Floors
Marketing Alliance Group
Myra and Ken White
Dossche Family Foundation
Barrett Properties
Billie Little
Cindy Michaels
Dottie and Bob Shaw
Robert Webb
Stearns & West
Sandra and Gregg Sims
Cindy and David McCreery
Linda and Bill Blackman
Joanne and Marvin Lewis
Robert McEntire
Cynthia and John Wilson
Anna and Zack Adamson
Cheryl and Tim Baucom
Amanda and Chris Brown
Donna and Greg Brown
Brown Whitworth -
Reynolds Foundation
Donna and Bryan Hair
Cindy and Chip Howalt
Beau and Joe Howalt
IndyRisk Insurance Advisors
The Kinard Family
Jean S. Lowery
Nancy Millett
Dr. Frank Patterson
Susan and Dewey Reams
Annalee and Michael Sams
Sydney and Hutton Sellers
Cathy and Steve Snyder
Mary Helen and William Young
Myra and Ken White
Kristen and Matthew Asbell
Ashley and Bucky Broadrick
Rosa Cuna and Juan Azua
Dalton Family Practice
Debbie and Mike Douglas
Dr. Rodger Eidson
Don Hoffmeyer
Alana and Brandon Langford
Karen Martin
Deanna and Peter Mathis
Elissa McHenry
Erika and Tucker Mosteller
Jennifer and Wes Phinney
Pallavi Manay and Peter Pociask
Peggy and Roger Rollins
Lindsey and Adam Sapp
Carol and Ward Satterfield
George Woodward
Nancy Whaley
Jeanne and Walter Jones